YOU Magazine - April 2009
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Bryan Tusow     Bryan Tusow
Mortgage Consultant
Dawson Home Mortgage NMLS# 1814266
Phone: (218) 346-6371 ext. 2
Fax: (218) 346-6373
NMLS #: 942638
Dawson Home Mortgage NMLS# 1814266
April 2009

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Fear and Greed in the Real Estate Market
"Be greedy when people are fearful and fearful when people are greedy," says Warren Buffet, one of the richest men on the planet. And with so much fear in the real estate market right now, you may be wondering now that spring is officially here, "Is now the right time to buy a home?"
   Fear and Greed in the Real Estate Market
Finish Strong
How Do You Respond to Challenge?

Irving Berlin once said, "Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it." So, how do you take it? Before you answer the question, we urge you to use the next few moments to watch Finish Strong, an inspirational video with a meaningful message.
   Finish Strong - How Do You Respond to Challenge?
The Eyes Have It
Advice from One of Hollywood's Top Makeup Artists

It's been said the eyes are the windows to the soul. If you prescribe to this notion, you'll also agree that great looking eyes do more than enhance your look. They convey positive emotion, enhanced energy, and confidence. Be sure to watch our exclusive video, as one of Hollywood's top makeup artists gives correspondent, Jill Wilderman, her tips for creating spectacular looking eyes.
   The Eyes Have It - Advice from One of Hollywood's Top Makeup Artists
Card Issuers Tighten The Screws

Real estate isn't the only industry to be affected by the turmoil in today's financial market. More and more credit card companies are clamping down on their current clients by raising required credit scores or lowering existing credit limits. Here's how you can stay in their good graces and avoid sky-high rates.
   Card Issuers Tighten The Screws -
Wok This Way
A Neophyte's Guide to the Perfect Stir-Fry
By Kirk Leins

Pretty catchy title, eh? Stir-fries are one of those dishes that most of us love, as long as they're done right, of course. So, how's your stir-frying? Have your attempts at this age-old cooking method yielded less than spectacular dishes? If so, I ask you to read this article carefully. Doing so may just result in a meal fit for an emperor.
   Wok This Way - A Neophyte's Guide to the Perfect Stir-Fry - By Kirk Leins
Cool New Gadgets
The Title Says it All

It doesn't matter if you're an electronics geek, or electronically challenged. Gadgets can be really cool. It’s our opinion that the best electronic gadgets not only serve a legitimate purpose, they also have a big-time "wow" factor. Following are our picks for five of the coolest new gadgets.
   Cool New Gadgets - The Title Says it All
Spring Cleaning and Repairs
Money-Saving Tips from the Pros

Fresh rains in the early spring are symbolic of the season itself, offering a revitalizing cleansing of the outdoors. The warming weather also offers a reminder to homeowners that now is the ideal time to do a bit of spring cleaning. After all, a bit of due diligence by homeowners not only freshens their living quarters, it also helps them save money and avoid more costly repairs down the road.
   Spring Cleaning and Repairs - Money-Saving Tips from the Pros

Dawson Home Mortgage NMLS #1814266 Bryan Tusow NMLS #942638

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Dawson Home Mortgage NMLS# 1814266
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Perham, MN 56573

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