YOU Magazine - July 2009
YOU Magazine
Tammy Lambert     Tammy Lambert
Mortgage Advisor
Coldwell Banker Home Loans
Phone: (201) 213-1511
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Coldwell Banker Home Loans
July 2009

June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
January 2009

The Clock Is Ticking...
Important Dates Home Buyers Need to Know About

"There's no place like home," so the famous saying from The Wizard of Oz goes. And this year, that saying applies to many new home owners, as first-time home buyers (FTHBs) have accounted for 53% of total residential real estate purchases during parts of 2009. For those of you who have already bought a home, congratulations. For those of you still waiting, this is a call to action: It's time to get moving.
   The Clock Is Ticking... - Important Dates Home Buyers Need to Know About
Take Five and Stay Alive
A Health Tip with Ingo Logé

The economy. The recession. Our jobs. Our family. War. Inflation. Traffic. Those are just some of the things that can cause stress in our daily lives. But have no fear! When the stress-monster attacks, there's something quick and easy you can do to breathe nostril at a time.
   Take Five and Stay Alive - A Health Tip with Ingo Logé
Open the Door to the Home You Want
5 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score - And Fast

Purchasing a home can feel overwhelming for buyers no matter how many times they've been through the process. And today, your credit score is more important than ever when it comes to your ability to buy the home you really want. If you are looking to improve your credit score, now is the perfect time to get started.
   Open the Door to the Home You Want - 5 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score - And Fast
Are You a Procrastinator?
Tips and Insights From an Expert

Do you find yourself regularly postponing, delaying, or deferring certain activities or projects? If so, you are not alone. While there aren't many statistics on procrastination, it's safe to assume that most of us can relate in some way. Read along as we share some expert tips and insights for dealing with this unconstructive habit.
   Are You a Procrastinator? - Tips and Insights From an Expert
Thrilling Grilling
Uncommon Ingredients for Your Barbecue
By Kirk Leins

When you think about grilling outdoors, foods like burgers, chicken and steak are what typically come to mind. While they are all perfect for the grill, part of my job is to push the culinary envelope, testing the limits of the imagination and the taste buds. So, fire up that barbecue. It's time for some thrilling grilling.
   Thrilling Grilling - Uncommon Ingredients for Your Barbecue - By Kirk Leins
Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie...And Great Summertime Websites
Fun In the Sun Is Just a Click Away

Summer is officially here, and there are plenty of ways your family can have fun in the sun, while also staying safe and healthy! Whatever plans your family has in addition to enjoying the traditional baseball, hotdogs, and apple are some great websites that can help.
   Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie...And Great Summertime Websites - Fun In the Sun Is Just a Click Away
Create a Greener Landscape
By Pat Mertz Esswein

American yards have a drinking problem. For decades, we've bought into the aesthetic of the perpetually green lawn – watered, fertilized and pest-free. And we've landscaped our yards with exotic plants that crave more water than the climate naturally supplies.
   Create a Greener Landscape - By Pat Mertz Esswein -

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