March 2012
Are Your Property Taxes Too High? Income Tax Isn't the Only Important Tax This Time of Year
We may be in the middle of income tax season, but hoping you'll be getting a refund isn't the only thing you should be thinking about this time of year...especially if you're a homeowner. That's because the National Taxpayers Union (a nonprofit citizen group) estimates that between 30 and 60 percent of properties are assessed for too high of a value, resulting in an incorrectly larger property tax bill.
![Are Your Property Taxes Too High?Income Tax Isn't the Only Important Tax This Time of Year]( |
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The Simple Truths of Stress YOU Have a Choice in the Matter
The great comedian George Burns once said, ''If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it.'' As Mr. Burns lived to the age of 100, he likely took his own advice.
![The Simple Truths of StressYOU Have a Choice in the Matter]( |
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4 Money-Etiquette Questions Answered Our etiquette experts guide you through four awkward money moments. By Lisa Gerstner,
When it comes to matters of money, tact is often in the eye of the beholder. Take some tips from etiquette experts on how to defuse these tricky situations.
![4 Money-Etiquette Questions AnsweredOur etiquette experts guide you through four awkward money moments.By Lisa Gerstner,]( |
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Goal Progress Management By Erik Janeczko, Head Coach, Maximum Acceleration Coaching Program
We have all heard the clichés about the importance of goal planning. Failing to plan is planning to fail. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The journey of 1,000 miles begins with just one step.
![Goal Progress ManagementBy Erik Janeczko, Head Coach, Maximum Acceleration Coaching Program]( |
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Spring Veggies A Minimalist's Approach to One of Life's Simple Pleasures By Kirk Leins
The onset of spring brings a slew of accompanying pleasures. Some of these pleasures, the best of them really, also happen to be the most simple-beautiful weather and the start of the baseball season, just to name two. But for me, there's one simple pleasure surrounding spring that outshines the rest. Believe it or not, I'm talking about vegetables. It may sound farfetched but, before you disagree, allow me to present my case.
![Spring VeggiesA Minimalist's Approach to One of Life's Simple PleasuresBy Kirk Leins]( |
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Sense of Security Not Protecting Your Home Can Cost You
According to the Department of Justice and the FBI, of the more than 2 million burglaries reported in 2010, 73.9 percent took place in residential homes rather than businesses. Those burglaries averaged more than $2,100 in stolen items, adding up to nearly $4.6 billion in lost property in one year alone!
![Sense of SecurityNot Protecting Your Home Can Cost You]( |